Duties Of A Metropolitan Mayor - İNCİ GÜL AKÖL

Duties Of A Metropolitan Mayor - İNCİ GÜL AKÖL

26.11.2018 14:11 | Güncelleme Tarihi: 26.11.2018 14:11

The duties and authorities of a metropolitan mayor is clearly written in the Turkish Constitution at the “Article 18, Metropolitan Mayor Law” number 5216.

It is said that, “a metropolitan mayor, is the head of the metropolitan and the representative of its legal entity”. “A metropolitan mayor can not take in charge of the administrations of any political party, during his/her present duty ”.

The mayors, by getting the authority from the people, work only for the service of folks without any privilege to any political opinion and being under the effect of any political party.

They put into life, and inspect closely, the necessary projects for the people to live in a better and contemporary environment.

They work their best, to return a great amount of service to their people knowing the responsibility of one single cent collected from them.

They are also responsible for the system of their area...

From the traffic order, to the city arrangement and to the visual-audio order, everything is under their responsibility...

Finding solutions and getting the necessary precautions for the folk social necessities is also their reponsibilities...

Feding the hungers, as well...

However the most important duty of theirs, is to achieve the solution to keep the people`s psychology at a highest level while performing all these duties.

Shortly; the mayors are responsible to do everything for their people, within the municipality border, to live in better conditions...

Our laws say so.

It shouldn`t be forgotten that, the constitution of the “Great Turkey” target of our government, can be achieved only by the work of the devoted people, living in such a good system, full in love with their country, with good psychology and having got the necessary motivation from their environment.

Nobody can dare to stant in front of the “Great Turkey” target of our country... Even though this is a Metropolitan Mayor.

The main idea for the development of a country, is to perform only their own duties perfectly of every individual.

We, as the Turkish citizens, deserve to live in a country possessing global standards...

And nobody shouldn`t have any doubt that we will do our best to form the “Great Turkey”... Noone will have the power to prevent it.