26.11.2018 14:11 | Güncelleme Tarihi: 26.11.2018 14:11

For a long time i couldn`t write something because of my intense business.

Today i am feeling the excitement of meeting you, my valuable readers, since i managed to spare some time for you.

We had paid a visit to a friend`s office a few days ago, just to drink a coffee and give him the valuable new-year gift of Gazette.

We discussed the present situation of the world, our country and Adana while sipping our coffees.

Today, on the 5`th of January, 96`th anniversary of salvation of Adana, the participation of the leader of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Devlet Bahçeli to the mass inaguration and foundation ceremony of 1071 projects of the metropolitan municipality mayor Hüseyin Sözlü was also in our discussion agenda.

Towards the end of our chat, my friend showed me a short whatsapp video, send him by some immodest guys, reflecting Devlet Bahçeli`s speech about our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, recorded two years ago at one of his party meetings.

It is not nice to service such a video just a few days before Bahçeli`s coming to Adana.

Yesterday has passed, we should concentrate on today and tomorrow.

Just as today, also two years ago, the traitors so called FETÖ were among us, trying to realize their plans by unbelievable perception methods.

Bahçeli had said this, had said that... about President Erdoğan.

On the contrary, now he is saying that they can act unanimously with the justice and Development Party (AK Party), during the presidential elections.

How it can be?!!!

Certainly it can be...

Our homeland comes first...

Isn`t that what we say?

We all know that Devlet Bahçeli is a good statesman.

I advice those who suspects, to think objectively.

The leader of MHP Bahçeli, has seen President Erdoğan, how he struggled for Turkey during 15`th of July, which has been written in the history pages as treachery and blood as well as heroism.

Not everyone like Erdoğan, as a leader, struggled alone and still struggling, with this nuisance so called FETÖ.

Turkey will march forward with courageous statesmen and leaders.

It is quite obvious what is happening in our neighbour countries.

What Turkey lives today, is just because of its geopolitics and geographic location.

Turkey will proceed forward with short steps, unless it gets rid of the internal traitors.

On the other hand, we would run if there were no any barrier.

No need to be pessimist.

We have to work hard for better days.

We may take a small amount advantage of the giant on-going projects, but our descendants certainly will benefit a lot.

We should wait for the morrow to see the daylight.

Stubbornly we should be much more together, for those who want to destroy our togetherness and unity.

This country is ours...

We have no any other place to go.

No one can stop us, the Turks, as long as we love and respect each other.